Gene Expression Regulation in Prokaryotes

Explore the intricate mechanisms that control gene expression in the simplest life forms - prokaryotes.

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Introduction to Prokaryotic Gene Expression


The process of converting genetic information stored in DNA into functional RNA molecules.


The intricate control mechanisms that ensure precise and dynamic gene expression in prokaryotes.


The synthesis of proteins from the information encoded in the RNA molecules.

dr. ahmadian
Prof. Gholamreza Ahmadian
  • Faculty Member, System Biology Department, Nigeb
  • Scientific Ambassador of the American Society of Microbiology in Iran
    • Director of scientific committee
Dr David Forrest
Dr David Forrest

Research Fellow, Biosciences

Birmingham University-UK

Prof. David Grainger
Prof. David Grainger

School of Biosciences
Professor of Molecular Microbiology

Birmingham University-UK

Dr Kasra Esfahani

Biotechnologist specializing in genetic engineering and molecular genetics. Leads Plant Bioproduct Department and Biotechnology Incubator Center. Active in scientific conferences and societies. Organizes workshops and courses.

Prof. Steve Busby

School of Biosciences
Professor of Biochemistry

Birmingham University-UK

Dr. Vijay Kothari
Dr. Vijay Kothari

Assistant Professor,

Institute of Science, Nirma University,  India

Transcriptional Regulation Mechanisms

Promoter Binding

Transcription factors binding to specific DNA sequences to initiate or repress gene expression.

Sigma Factors

Specialized proteins that direct RNA polymerase to the appropriate promoter regions.


Premature termination of transcription in response to environmental or cellular signals.