سوابق پژوهشی

  1. Mahdieh Yousefiara, Mohammad Ali Malboobi, Abdolreza Bagheri, Nasrin Moshtag (2022) Comparative Transcriptome Analyses of a Transgenic Sugar Beet Resistant to Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus. Journal of Cell and Molecular Research (2022) 14 (1): 44-53 
  2. M. Jafarzade, M. Ramezani, M. A.Malboobi M. S. Sabet, F. Hedayati, Maryam Ramezani Aghdam & Maryam Khoshnami (2022) Inhibition of beet necrotic yellow vein virus by the expression of a single-chain variable fragment antibody in sugar beet plants. Eur J Plant Pathol. doi.org/10.1007/s10658-022-02578-8.
  3. Sara Hejri, Azam Salimib, Mohammad Ali Malboobia, Foad Fatehic, Mahdieh Yousefiara (2022) Investigation of possible changes induced by RNA silencing in some leaf metabolites of transgenic sugar beet events. Food Chemistry: Molecular Science 4: 100073.
  4. Javad Zamani Amirzakaria, Sayed-Amir Marashi,, Mohammad Ali Malboobi1, Tahmineh Lohrasebi, Esmail Forozan (2021) Critical assessment of genome-scale metabolic models of Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Omics, DOI: 10.1039/D1MO00351H.
  5. Elham Basiri, Sayeh Jafari Marandi, Sedighe Arbabian, Ahmad Majd, Mohammad Ali Malboobi (2021) The effect of Barvar-2 biofertilizer and potassium phosphate on the development of vegetative and reproductive organs of Arabidopsis thaliana. The Quarterly Scientific Journal of Applied Biology 34: 24-49.

  1. Elham Basiri, Sayeh Jafari Marandi, Sedighe Arbabian, Ahmad Majd, Mohammad Ali Malboobi (2021) Development of male and female gametophytes and embryogenesis in the Arabidopsis thaliana. Biologia 76:853–863
  2. Sara Hejri, Azam Salimi, Mohammad Ali Malboobi & Foad Fatehi (2021) Comparative proteome analyses of rhizomania resistant transgenic sugar beets based on RNA silencing mechanism, GM Crops & Food, DOI: 10.1080/21645698.2021.1954467.
  3. Fatemeh Noori, Hassan Etesami, Somayeh Noori, Esmaei Forouzand,Gholamreza Salehi Jouzanie,Mohammad Ali Malboobi (2021) Whole genome sequence of Pantoea agglomerans ANP8, a salinity and drought stress–resistant bacterium isolated from alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) root nodules. Biotech. Lett 29: e00600.
  4. Farhadi S., Sabet, M. S., Malboobi, M. A. and Moieni, A. (2020). The Critical Role of AtPAP17 and AtPAP26 Genes in Arabidopsis Phosphate Compensation Network. Frontiers in plant science, 11, 1495
  5. Zahra Fathi, Mohammad Ali Malboobi, Katayoun Zamani (2020) Phosphite, Biotechnology, Modern Agriculture. Crop Biotech 10 (2): 55-70.

  1. Javad Zamani Amirzakaria, Mohammad Ali Malboobi, Sayed-Amir Marashi, Tahmineh Lohrasebim (2020) In silico prediction of enzymatic reactions catalyzed by acid phosphatases. Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics. https://doi.org/10.1080/07391102.2020.1785943
  2. Shahed Safar, Mohsen Bazrafshan, Maryam Khoshnami, Ali Asghar Behrooz, Farideh Hedayat, Mojdeh Maleki, Seyed Bagher Mahmoodi, Mohammad Ali Malboobi (2020) Field evaluation for rhizomania resistance in transgenic sugar beet events based on gene silencing. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology. https://doi.org/10.1080/07060661.2020.1783575
  3. M. Jafarzade, M. Ramezani, F. Hedayati1, Z. Mokhtarzade, B. Zare, M. S. Sabet, P. Norouzi, and M. A.Malboobi (2019) Antibody-mediated resistance to rhizomaniadisease in sugar beet hairy roots. Plant Pathol. J. 35: 1-6.

  1. M Jafarzade, M Ramezani Aghdam, B Zare, MS Sabet, M Khoshnami, MA Malboobi (2019) Targeted expression of single-chain antibody inhibits the accumulation of Beet necrotic yellow vein virus in Nicotiana benthamiana. Journal of Plant Interactions 14: 137-142, 2019.

  1. Sarikhani, Mohammad Reza; Malboobi, Mohammad Ali; Aliasgharzad, Nasser; Greiner, Ralf (2019) Identification of two novel bacterial phosphataseencoding genes in Pseudomonas putida strain P13, Journal of Applied Microbiology 127(4): 1113—1124.

  1. Karimi, Bahareh; Nosrati, Rahim; Bazzaz, Bibi Sedigheh Fazly; Mirpour, Mirsasan; Malboobi, Mohammadali; Owlia, Parviz; (2019) A comparative evaluation of freezing criteria and molecular characterization of epiphytic ice-nucleating (Ice+) and non-ice-nucleating (Ice−) Pseudomonas syringae and Pseudomonas fluorescens, Journal of Plant Pathology 1-10 (online). doi.org/10.1007/s42161-019-00402-7
  2. Younessi-Hamzekhanlu M, Izadi-Darbandi A, , Ebrahimi M, Abdipour M, Sparvoli F, Paolo D. (2018) Agrobacterium rhizogenes transformed soybeans with AtPAP18 gene show enhanced phosphorus uptake and biomass production. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 1:1-9.
  3. K. Zamani M .S. Sabet,, T. Lohrasebi, M. A. Malboobi, M. Valizadeh (2018) Functional assessments of AtPAP18 gene encoding a Arabidopsis thaliana purple acid phosphatase. Modern Genetics 13:321-332.

  1. M .S. Sabet, K. Zamani, T. Lohrasebi, M. A. Malboobi, M. Valizadeh (2018) Functional Assessment of an Overexpressed Arabidopsis Purple Acid Phosphatase Gene (AtPAP26) in Tobacco Plants Iranian J. Biotechnology 16: 1.

  1. Akram Hafizi . Mohamad Ali Malboobi . Mokhtar Jalali-Javaran, Pal Maliga . Houshang Alizadeh (2017) Covalent-display of an active chimeric-recombinant tissue plasminogen activator on polyhydroxybutyrate granules surface Biotechnol Lett (2017) 39:1683–1688.

  1. Vahid Shariati J., Mohammad Ali Malboobi, Zeinab Tabrizi, Elahe Tavakol, Parviz Owilia, Maryam Safari (2017) Comprehensive genomic analysis of a plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium Pantoea agglomerans strain P5 Scientific reports 7:1-12.

  1. M. Hajmirzaheydarali, M. Akbari, A. Shahsafi, S. Soleimani-Amiri, M. Sadeghipari,  Mohajerzadeh, Member, IEEE, A. Samaeian and M. A. Malboobi (2016) Ultrahigh Sensitivity DNA Detection Using Nano-rods Incorporated ISFETs. IEEE Electron Device Letters 37: 663-666.

  1. Mehdi Younessi-Hamzekhanlu, Ali Izadi-Darbandi, Mohsen Ebrahimi, Mohammad-Ali Malboobi (2016) Improving Phosphorus Efficiency in Crops with Focus on Purple Acid Phosphatase: Potentials and Perspective. Journal of Plant Molecular Breeding 4: 55-69.

  1. Mehdi Younessi-Hamzekhanlu, Ali Izadi-Darbandi,, Mohammad Ali Malboobi, Mohsen Ebrahimi (2015) High-throughput direct regeneration of soybean mutant and common lines from cotyledonary node. Journal of Plant Molecular Breeding  4:50-60.

  1. Ardeshir Hesampour, Seyed Ehsan Ranaei Siadat, ohammad Ali Malboobi, Nooshin Mohandesi, Seyed Shahriar Arab, Mohammad Mehdi Ghahremanpour (2015) Enhancement of Thermostability and Kinetic Efficiency of Aspergillus niger PhyA Phytase by Site-Directed Mutagenesis. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 175: 2528-2541.
  2. B. Zare, A. Niazi, R. Sattari, H. Aghelpasand, K. Zamani, M. S. Sabet, F. Moshiri, S. Darabie, M. H. Daneshvar, P. Norouzi, S. K. Kazemi-Tabar, M. Khoshnami, M. A. Malboobi (2015) Resistance to rhizomania disease via RNA silencing of Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus coat protein in sugar beet. Plant Pathology 5: 64: 35-42.

  1. K. Zamani, T. Lohrasebi, M. S. Sabet, M. A. Malboobi, A. Mousavi (2014) Expression pattern and subcellular localization of Arabidopsis purple acid phosphatase AtPAP9. Gene Exp. Patt. 14: 9-18.

  1. M. Majdi, G. Karimazadeh, M. A. Malboobi (2014) Spatial and developal expression of key genes to terpene biosynthesis in Tanacetum parthenum. Biol. Plantaium 58: 379-384.

  1. Rahim Nosrati, Parviz Owlia, Horieh Saderi, Iraj Rasooli, Mohammad Ali Malboobi (2014) Phosphate solubilization characteristics of efficient nitrogen fixing soil Azotobacter strains. Iranian J Microbiology 6: 285-295.

  1. Mohammad Ali Malboobi, Katayoun Zamani, Tahmineh Lohrasebi1, Mohammad Reza Sarikhani, Ali Samaian, Mohammad Sadegh Sabet (2014) Phosphate: the silent challenge. Progress in Biological Sciences 4: 1-32.

  1. Ardeshir Hesampour, Omid Ranaei, Mohammad Ali Malboobi, Javad Harati, Nooshin Mohandes (2014) Comparison of biochemical properties of recombinant phytase expression in the favorable methylotrophic platforms of Pichia pastoris and Hansenula polymorpha. Progress in Biological Sciences 4: 95-109

  1. M. Majdi, G. Karimzadeh, M.A. Malboobi (2014) Spatial and developmental expression of key genes of terpene biosynthesis in Tanacetum parthenium. Iol Plantarium 58 (2): 379-384.

  1. Tayyebeh Keshavarz, Masoud Shams-Bakhsh, Keramat Izadpanah, Mohammad A. Malboobi (2013) Occurrence and Genome Analysis of Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus in Iran. Journal of Phytopathology 162: 523–526.

  1. Sarikhani M.R., Malboobi M.A. (2012) Phytases: enzymology, molecular and biochemical characteristic and applications. Agricultural Biotechnology J 2: 13-39.

  1. M. A. Malboobi (2012) GM crops: The socio-economic impacts. Journal of Plant Mol Breeding 1: 1-9.

  1. P. Norouzi, M. Jafari, B, Gharahyazi, M. A. Malboobi, M.R, Rezapanah (2012) Global status of transgenic sugar beet and its advances in Iran. Gent. Eng. & Biosafety J. 1: 49-62.

  1. Tahmineh Lohrasebi, Katayoun Zamani, Mohammad S. Sabet, Mohammad A. Malboobi (2012) Fungal infection alters phosphate level and phosphatase profiles in Arabidopsis. Progress in Biological Sciences 2: 42-57.


  1. Roozbeh Manshaei, Pooya Sobhe Bidari, Mahdi Aliyari Shoorehdeli, Amir Feizi, Tahmineh Lohrasebi, Mohammad Ali Malboobi, Matthew Kyan, and Javad Alirezaie (2012) Hybrid-Controlled Neurofuzzy Networks Analysis Resulting in Genetic Regulatory Networks Reconstruction. ISRN Bioinformatics, Article ID419419,16 pages.
  2. Katayoun Zamani, Mohammad Sadegh Sabet, Tahmineh Lohrasebi, Amir Mousavi and Mohammad Ali Malboobi (2012) Improved phosphate metabolism and biomass production by overexpression of AtPAP18 in tobacco. Biologia 67/4:713-720.
  3. H. Madani, M. A. Malboobi, K. Bakhshkelarestaghi, A. Stoklosa (2011) Biological and Chemical Phosphorus Fertilizers Effect on Yield and P Accumulation in Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). Not Bot Horti Agrobo  40(2): 210-214.

  1. F. Etedali , B. Baghban Kohnehrouz , M. Valizadeh , A. Gholizadeh  and M.A. Malboobi (2011) Genome wide cloning of maize meiotic recombinase Dmc1 and its functional structure through molecular phylogeny. Genet. Mol. Res. 10 (3): 1636-1649.
  2. M. Alijani , M. Amini Dehaghi , M.A. Malboobi  M. Zahedi  and S.A.M. Modares Sanavi (2011) The effect of different levels of phosphorus fertilizer together with phosphate Bio-fertilizer (Barvar 2) on yield, essential oil amount and chamazulene percentage of Matricaria recutita L. Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 27: 450-459.
  3. Rahaie, M., Naghavi, M.R., Alizadeh, H., Malboobi, M.A. and Dimitrov, K. (2011) A novel DNA-based nanostructure for single molecule detection purposes, Int. J. Nanotechnol .8: 458 – 470.

  1. M. Gomarian, M. A. Malboobi, F. Darvish, S.A. Mohammadi, (2011) The expression pattern of salt-responsive genes under salinity stress in wheat cultivars. New Achievements in Agriculture, 2: 151-163.

  1. P. Norouzi, M. Jafari, M. A. Malboobi, B, Gharahyazi, A. Rajabi (2011) Inhheritance of transgene and resistance to a lepidoptran pest, Spodaptra littoralis.in transgenic sugar beet plants harboring a synthetic cry1Ab gene. Transgenic Plant J5: 62-66.

  1. Majid Basirat , Mohammad Ali Malboobi , Amir Mousavi , Ahmad Asgharzadeh , Saeed Samavat (2011) Effects of phosphorous supply on growth, phosphate distribution and expression of transporter genes in tomato plants AJCS 5(5):537-543

  1. Neda Yahoo, Farzaneh Sabahi, Kiana Shahzamani, Mohamad Ali Malboobi, Hossain Jabbari Houshang Shari, Seyed Hossein Mousavi-Fard, and Shahin Merat  (2011) Mutationsinthe E2 and NS5A Regionsin Patients Infected With Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 1a and Their Correlation With Response to Treatment. J Medical Virology 83: 1332-1337.

  1. Alijani L. M., Amini Dehaghi M., Malboobi M.A,. Zahedi4 M.and Modares Sanavi S.A.M.(2011) The effect of different levels of phosphorus fertilizer together with phosphate bio-fertilizer (Barvar 2) on yield, essential oil amount and chamazulene percentage of Matricaria recutita. Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 27: 450-9.

  1. Sarikhani M.R., Malboobi M.A. (2010) Phytases: enzymology, molecular and biochemical characteristic and applications. Agricultural Biotech J. 2: 13-39.

  1. Mohammad Reza Sarikhani, Mohammad Ali Malboobi, Nasser Aliasgharzad, Ralf Greiner , Bagher Yakhchali (2010) Functional screening of phosphatase-encoding genes from bacterial sources. IJB 8 (4): 275-279.

  1. F. Skouhifar, M.R. Zamani, M. Motalebi, A. Mousavi, M. A. Malboobi(2009) Construction and functional analysis of a pathogen inducible synthetic promoter in response to some biotic and abiotic stresses in canola. Plant Disease 45: 173-187.

  1. M. Gomarian, M. A. Malboobi, F. Darvish, S.A. Mohammadi, K. Razavi, M. Rahiee, H. Alizadeh (2009) The expression pattern of salt-responsive genes under long term salinity stress in susceptible and tolerant wheat cultivars. Modern Genetics. 4 (1):27-40.

  1. M. Gomarian, M. A. Malboobi, F. Darvish, S.A. Mohammadi, K. Razavi, (2009) The interactions of wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.). Research in Agriculture J. 1: 21-31.

  1. Mohammad Majdi, Ghasem Karimzadeh, Mohammad A. Malboobi, Reza Omidbaigi, Ghader Mirzaghaderi (2010) Induction of Tetraploidy to Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium Schulz-Bip.): Morphological, Physiological, Cytological, and Phytochemical Changes. Hortscience 45:16–21.

  1. Nasser Zare, Mostafa Valizadeh, Masoud Tohidfar, Seyed Abolghasem Mohammadi, Mohammad Ali Malboobi and Ali Akbar Habashi (2009) Selection of regenerative genotypes from Iranian alfalfa cultivars. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 7: 567-572

  1. M. Jafari, P. Norouzi, M. A. Malboobi, B, Gharahyazi, M. Valizadedh, S.A. Mohammadi (2009) Transformation of cry1Ab gene to sugar beet (Beta volgaris L.) by Agrobacterium and development of resistant plant against Spodaptra littoralis. Journal f Sugar Beet 24: 37-56.

  1. M.A. Malboobi, M. Behbahani, H. Madani,, P. Owlia, A. Deljou, B. Yakhchali, M. Moradi, H. Hassanabadi (2009) The performance of potent phosphate solubilizing bacteria in potato rhizosphere. World Journal of Microbiology Biotechnology 25: 1479-1484.

  1. M.A. Malboobi, P. Owlia, M. Behbahani, E. Sarokhani, S. Moradi, B. Yakhchali, A. Deljou, K. Morabbi (2009) Solubilization of organic and inorganic phosphates by three efficient soil bacterial isolates. World Journal of Microbiology Biotechnology 25: 1471-1477.

  1. Shobbar Z-S, Malboobi MA, Karimzadeh G, Jalali Javaran M, Mohammadi-Nejad G, Bennett J (2008) Drought stress and plant hormonal impact on rice peduncle elongation. Iranian Journal of Biology, 21: 411-420.

  1. Shobbar Z-S, Malboobi MA, Jalali Javaran M, Karimzadeh G, Mohammadi-Nejad G, Raveendran M, Bennett J (2008) Incomplete rice panicle exsertion in cytoplasmic sterile lines and gibberellic acid effect. Iranian Journal of Agricultural Science 39: in press.

  1. Shobbar Z-S, Oane R, Gamuyao R, de Palma J,  Malboobi MA, Karimzadeh G, Jalali Javaran M, Bennett J (2008) Abscisic acid regulates gene expression in cortical fiber cells and silica cells of rice shoots.  New Phytologist. 178: 68-79.

  1. T. Lohrasebi, M. A. Malboobi, K. Esfahani, A. Samiaen & V. Sanei (2007) Identification of several differentially displayed acid phosphatases in Arabidopsis thaliana. Iranian Journal of Biotechnology 5:130-139.

  1. Rustaee M, Nazeri S, Ghadimzadeh, M, Malboobi MA (2007) Optimizing in vitro regeneration from Iranian native dwarf rootstock of apple (Malus domestica Borkh). International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 9: 775-778


  1. Mousavi A., Malboobi M.A., Esmailzadeh N.S. (2007) Development of agricultural biotechnology and biosafety regulations used to assess the safety of genetically modified crops in Iran. J. AOAC Int., 90(5): 1513-1516.

  1. Z. Shobbar, M. A. Malboobi, D. D. Lefebvre (2006) Characterization of an LRR-protein encoding gene responsive to environmental conditions. Iranian J Biotechnology 3 (4): 216-224.

  1. F. Ghavami, M.A. Malboobi, M.R. Ghanadha, T. Lohrasebi, B. Yazdi- Samadi, J. Mozafari, A. Plant (2006) Increased expression of Succinate dehydrogenease and prophbilinogen encoding genes in response to salt stress in wheat cultivar Mahouti. Iranian J Agric. Sci. 36: 1437-1444.

  1. Gazanchian, N. A. Khosh Kholgh Sima, M. A. Malboobi, and Eslam Majidi Heravan (2006) Relationships between Emergence and Soil Water Content for Perennial Cool-Season Grasses Native to Iran. Crop Sci. 46:544–553.

  1. S. Mohsenzadeh, M. A. Malboobi S. Farrahi-Aschtiani  and K. Razavi (2006) Physiological and molecular responses of Aeluropus lagopoides (Poaceae) to water deficit. Env. Exp. Bot. 56: 314-322.

  1. Niazi A, Malboobi MA, Moeini A (2005) Propagation of Polymyxa betae on hairy root hydroponic culture. Iranian Journal of Plant Pathology 41: 123-125.

  1. Gazanchian, N. Khoshr Kholeg Sima, M.A. Malboobi, E, Majidi (2005) Survival of perennial cool-season grasses under water stress conditions and after establishment. Iranian Journal of Natural Resources 58: 217-230.

  1. K. Razavi, M.A. Malboobi, S.F Aschtiani, F. Ghanati, S. Mohsenzadeh (2005) Methods for propagations of  two Aeluropus species in controlled environments. Iranian J. of Biol. 18: 60-68.

  1. P. Norouzi, M. A.  Malboobi, K. Zamani, B. Yazdi- Samadi (2005) Using a competent tissue for efficient transformation of sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris L.), In Vitro Cell. Devel.  Plant. 41 (1): 11-16.

  1. F. Ghavami, M.A. Malboobi, M.R. Ghanadha, B. K. Razavi, S. Mohsenzadeh (2004) Molecular mechanism of salt tolerance in plant cells. Modern Genetics 1: 9-18.

  1. F. Ghavami, M.A. Malboobi, M.R. Ghanadha, B. Yazdi- Samadi, J. Mozafari, J. Aghaei (2004) An evaluation of salt tolerance in Iranian wheat cultivars at gerniation and seedling stages. Iranian J Agric. Sci. 35: 464-470.

  1. P. Nourouzi, T. Thurau, D. Cai, B. Yazdi- Samadi, M. A.  Malboobi (2004) Agrobacerium rhizogenes  transformation of sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris L.) for studying gene expression in hairy roots. Iranian J Agric. Sci. 35: 85-92.
  2. S. Kazemi-Noureini, S. Colonna-Romano, A. Ziaee, M.A. Malboobi, M. Yazdanbod, P. Setayeshgar, B. Maresca (2004) Differential gene expression between squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus and its normal adjacent cells; altered pattern of mal, akr1c2 and rab11a expression. World J Gastroenterology 10: 1716 -1721.

  1. H. Samizadeh, B. Yazdi- Samadi,  M.R. Ghanadha, M.A. Malboobi, A.R. Taleei, G. Rice Stringam (2003) A study of molecular marker associated with pod length trait in canola (B. napus) double haploid population. . Iranian J Agric. Sci. 34: 871-879.

  1. M. Rahai, B. E. Seyed Tabatabi, A. K. Shahnejat Boushehri, S. Abdemishani, M. A. Malboobi (2004) Study of Genetics Diversity in Canola (Brassica napus L.) using AFLP Teqnique, Seeds and Plants 19: 469-482.

  1. M. A.  Malboobi, H.R. Abdi (2003) Analysis of Biotechnology research status in Iran: Current situation, policies and strategies. Rahyaft 28: 21-31.

  1. P. Nourouzi, D. Cai, M. A.  Malboobi, B. Yazdi- Samadi (2003) Transferring OF2 and VAP genes into sugarbeet by Agrobacerium rhizogenes to study nematode resistance. Agriculture and Natural Resource 7: 211-223.


  1. P. Noroozi, B. Yazdi-Samadi, M. A. Malboobi (2002) The effect of hormonal treatments on direct shoot regeneration rate of sugar beet explants. J. Agriculture Science of Iran 33 (2): 233-239.


  1. M. A. Malboobi (2001) Peer review methodologies in selecting research proposals. Rahyaft 24: 138- 145.

  1. M. Alavi, M. A. Malboobi (2001) The trend of production and cultivation of transgenic plants and the prospects of future developments. Rahyaft 24: 146-158.

  1. M.A. Malboobi and R. Aliyari (2000) The recent achievements in plant biotechnology. Sharif 16 (18) 30-37.

  1. M.A. Malboobi (2000) Data transfer and connections among institute. In: The status of Biotechnology in Islamic Republic of Iran. p 111-136. Biotechnology Commission of National Research Council of Iran.

  1. M. A. Malboobi (1998) Information networking and its importance in Biotechnology-Part 2, Biotechnology Bulletin of Iran 2: 30-34.

  1. M. A. Malboobi (1998) Information networking and its importance in Biotechnology-Part 1, Biotechnology Bulletin of Iran 1: 20-27.

  1. M. A. Malboobi and D. D. Lefebvre (1997) A phosphate-starvation inducible-beta-glucosidase gene (psr3.2) isolated from Arabidopsis thaliana is a member of a distinct subfamily of the BGA family. Plant Mol Biol 34: 57-68.

  1. M. A. Malboobi, L. Tremblay, D. D. Lefebvre (1996) Identification and nucleotide sequences of cDNA clones of phosphate‑starvation inducible b‑glucosidase genes from Brassicaceae (Accession Nos. U72153 and U72154). Plant Physiol. 112 (3): 11399.

  1. M. A. Malboobi and D. D. Lefebvre (1995) Analysis and cDNA cloning of genes with altered gene expression levels in phosphate starved‑ Brassica nigra suspension cells. Plant Mol. Biol. 28: 859‑870.