

Hosseini-Mazinani, Mehdi, Torkzaban, Bahareh, Arab, Jahangir. Iranian olive catalogue. Published by NIGEB (Persian/English), 2013,ISBN: 978-964-8516-23-4, pp212


Book Chapter

Rasouli, H. Hosseini-Mazinani, M. Haghbeen, K. Benefits and challenges of biophenols: a perspective (chapter 41). In Olives and Olive Oil in Health and Disease Prevention:  Elsevier, 2nd Edition 2020. USA

Publications (related to olive researches)

Issa karamatlou, Saeid Navabpour, Khalil Zeynali Nezhad, Roberto Mariotti, Soraya Mousavi, Mehdi Hosseini-Mazinani. 2023. Cold stress resilience of Iranian olive genetic resources: evidence from autochthonous genotypes diversity, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1140270


Seyyedeh Maryam Zamanzadeh-Nasrabadi, Fatemeh Mohammadiapanah, Mehdi Hosseini-Mazinani, Sajjad Sarikhan. 2023. Salinity stress endurance of the plants with the aid of bacterial genes. Frontiers in Genetics 14:1049608.    DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2023.1049608


Fateme Razeghi-Jahromi, Abdolkarim Zarei, Farshid Parvini, Mehdi Hosseini-Mazinani. 2022. Change in Oil Composition and the Major Fatty Acids and Triacylglycerol Biosynthesis Genes in Drupe of Selected Olive Cultivars during Growing Season; A Two Years Study. Lipid Science and Technology. https://doi.org/10.1002/ejlt.202200079


Fateme Razeghi-Jahromi, Farshid Parvini, Abdolkarim Zarei, Mehdi Hosseini-Mazinani. Sequence Characterization and Temporal Expression Analysis of Different Sads and Fad2-2 Genes in Two Iranian Olive Cultivars. 2022.  http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4064620


Fatemeh Razeghi-Jahromi, Mehdi Hosseini-Mazinani, Khadijeh Razavi, Abdolkarim Zarei. 2021. Analysis of fatty acid compositions and differential gene expression in two Iranian olive cultivars during fruit ripening. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, DOI:10.1007/s11738-021-03218-0


Hedayati V., Mousavi A.,1 Mousavi S., Hashemabadi Z. and Hosseini-Mazinani M. (2020),  Study on the structure of OeAOX2 gene related to rooting among native olive genotypes (Olea europea L.) of Iran. J. Plant Research. Vol. 33, 386-396


Karamatlou, E., Navabpour, S., Zainilnejad, Kh., Tavako, E.,  Hosseini- Mazinani, M., (2019), Morphological Evaluation and Selection of Tolerant Trees to Freezing Stress at the Olive Orchards in Golestan Province. Journal of Horticultural Scienc. Vol. 33, No.2, P. 287-299


Hossein Mohammad-Beigi, Farhang Aliakbari, Cagla Sahin, Charlotte Lomax, Ahmed Tawfike, Nicholas P Schafer, Alireza Amiri-Nowdijeh, Hoda Eskandari, Ian Max Møller, Mehdi Hosseini-Mazinani, Gunna Christiansen, Jane L Ward, Dina Morshedi, Daniel E Otzen, (2019), Oleuropein derivatives from olive fruit extracts reduce α-synuclein fibrillation and oligomer toxicity. Journal of Biological Chemistry 294 (11), 4215-4232


Saghafi, K., Ahmadi J., Hosseini-Mazinani, M., RokniZadeh, H., Asgharzadeh, A., (2019), Identification, Isolation and Investigation on Growth Stimulant Property of Pseudomonas Fluorescents Strains from the Rhizosphere of Olea europaea Root at Saline Soils of Iran. J. Soil Biology,  Vol.7:13-27


Amiri-nowdijeh A., Moosavi MA., Hosseinzadeh H., Soleimani M., Sabooni F., Hosseini-Mazinani M., (2018), Anti-oxidant and Selective Anti-proliferative Effects of the Total Cornicabra Olive Polyphenols on Human Gastric MKN45 Cells, Iranian Journal of Biotechnology, 17 (1), 37-44


Amiri-Nowdijeh A., Fazelipour F., Haghbeen K., Taheri M. and Hosseini-Mazinani M., (2018). Minor Olive Varieties from Iran with Promising Nutraceutical Properties. J. Agr. Sci. Tech.  Vol. 20: 347-357


Mousavi S., Mariotti R., Bagnoli F., Costantini L., Cultrera N.G.M., Arzani K., Pandolfi, S. Vendramin G.G., Torkzaban B., Hosseini-Mazinani M., Baldoni L., (2017). The eastern part of the Fertile Crescent concealed an unexpected route of olive (Olea europaea L.) differentiation. Annals of Botany DOI:10.1093/aob/mcx027


Vahideh Hedayati, Mehdi Hosseini-Mazinani, Roberto Mariotti, Khadijeh Razavi, Luciana Baldoni5 and Amir Mousavi. (2016),  Importin genes expression in high and low rooting olive genotypes (Olea europaea L.,), Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science, Vol. 47, No. 2


Farshid Parvini, M. Dolores Sicardo, Mehdi Hosseini-Mazinani, Jose M. Martinez-Rivas, and M. Luisa Hernandez (2016), Transcriptional Analysis of Stearoyl-Acyl Carrier Protein Desaturase Genes from Olive (Olea europaea) in Relation to the Oleic Acid Content of the Virgin Olive Oil. J. Agri. Food Chem. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.6b02963


Razeghi Jahroomi F, Hosseini Mazinani S. M., Mohammadi S, Razavi K, Shiran B, Mostafavi K. (2016), Investigation of the Optimal Harvesting Time in Some Iranian and Mediterranean Olive Cultivars Based on Their Oil Content and Fatty Acid Compositions. Journal of Crop Production and Processing 2016; 6 (19) :85-96


Bahareh Torkzaban, Amir Hossein, Kayvanjoo, Arman Ardalan, Soraya, Mousavi, Roberto Mariotti, Luciana Baldoni, Esmaeil Ebrahimie, Mansour Ebrahimi, Mehdi Hosseini-Mazinani (2015) Machine Learning Based Classification of Microsatellite Variation: An Effective Approach for Phylogeographic Characterization of Olive Populations. PLoS ONE 12/2015; 10(11). DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0143465


Vahideh Hedayati, Amir Mousavi, Khadijeh Razavi, Nicolo` Cultrera, Fiammetta Alagna, Roberto Mariotti, Mehdi Hosseini-Mazinani, Luciana Baldoni (2015),  Polymorphisms in the AOX2 gene are associated with the rooting ability of olive cuttings. Plant Cell Reports, DOI 10.1007/s00299-015-1774-0


Farshid Parvini, Ali Asghar Zeinanloo, Esmaeil Ebrahimie, Sattar Tahmasebi‐Enferadi, Mehdi Hosseini‐Mazinani (2015), Differential expression of fatty acid desaturases in Mari and Shengeh olive cultivars during fruit development and ripening. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 117: 523–531


Soraya Mousavi, Kazem Arzani, Mehdi Hosseini Mazinani, Abbas Yadollahi (2015), Responses of Commercial Olive Cultivars (Olea europaea L.) to Cold Stress Using Electrolyte Leakage Method and Measuring Total Soluble Carbohydrate. Journal of Crop Production and Processing, 5(16): 85-95


Maisa Asheri, Mohammad Mehdi Sharifani, Ahad Yamchi, Ghaffar Kiani, Maziar Ahmadi Golsefidi, Mehdi Hosseini-Mazinani (2015), Influence of olive cultivar on oil attributes in the arid region of Qom, Iran. Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, 80(3): 173-179


Mehdi Hosseini-Mazinani, Roberto Mariotti, Bahareh Torkzaban, Massoma Sheikh-Hassani, Saeedeh Ataei, Nicolo G. M. Cultrera, Saverio Pandolfi, Luciana Baldoni, (2014) High Genetic Diversity Detected in Olives beyond the Boundaries of the Mediterranean Sea. PloS One. Vol.9 (4), e93146


Mousavi, S., Hosseini Mazinani, M., Arzani, K., Ydollahi, A., Pandolfi, S., Baldoni, L. and  Mariotti, R. (2014) Molecular and morphological characterization of Golestan (Iran) olive ecotypes provides evidence for the presence of promising genotypes. Geneti. Resour.  Crop Evo. 61: 775-785


Zahra Noormohammadia, Isabel Trujillob, Angjelina Belajc, Saeede Ataei, Mehdi Hosseini-Mazinani. (2014) Genetic structure of Iranian olive cultivars and their relationship with Mediterranean’s cultivars revealed by SSR markers. Scientia Horticulturae, 178: 175-183


Mohammad M. Arab, Abbas Yadollahi, Mehdi Hosseini-Mazinani, Somayeh Bagheri, (2014) Effects of antimicrobial activity of silver nanoparticles on in vitro establishment of G · N15 (hybrid of almond · peach) rootstock. J. Gene. Eng. Biotech. 12: 103-110


Vahideh Hedayati, Amir Mousavi, Fiammetta Alagna, Saverio Pandolfi, Khadijeh Razavi, Luciana Baldoni, Mehdi Hosseini Mazinani (2014) Identification and gene expression analysis of AUX1 influencing adventitious root induction in olive cuttings (Olea europaea L.), Iranian Journal of Plant Biology, 22: 127-133


Parvini, F., Hosseni-Mazinani, M., Tahmasbi-Enferadi, S., Ebrahimi, E. and Zeinanloo, A.A. (2013) Effect of Fruit Harvesting Time on Oil Content and Fatty Acid Profile of Two Endemic Olive Cultivars ‘Mari’ and ‘Shengeh’. Iranian J Hort. Sci. Technol. Vol. 14(3), 343-356


Mousavi, S., Arzani, K., Hosseini-Mazinani,M., Yadollahi, A. (2013) Responses of commercial olive cultivars (Olea europaea L.) to cold stress using Electrolyte Leakage method and measuring total soluble carbohydrate. J Crop Produc. Process. (Accepted)


Noormohammadi, Z., Sheidai, M., Dehghani, A., Parvini, F., Hosseini-Mazinani, M.,(2012) Inter-population genetic diversity in olea cuspidata subsp. Cuspidata revealed by SSR and ISSR markers, Acta Biologica Szegediensis, Vol. 52(2), 155-163


Abdali, A., Hosseini-Mazinani, M., Ataei, S., Hosseini, SM. And Naghavi M.R. (2012) Studies on intra-cultivar variation of four Iranian olive cultivars using morphological characteristics and RAPD Markers. Iranian Journal of Biology, 24(6), 868-879


Sheikh-Hassani, M.ab, Torkzaban, B.a, Ataei, S.a, Zeinanloo, A.c, Ghahremaninejad, F.b, Hosseini-Mazinani, M. (2011) Morphological evaluation of ancient olive genotypes across the Zagros Mountains of Iran.  Acta Horticulturae Vol. 924, 327-334


Trujillo, I.a, Noormohammadi, Z.bc, Rallo, L.a, Hosseini-Mazinani, M. (2011) Study of the genetic relationship between Iranian and some Mediterranean olive cultivars Using SSR markers, Acta Horticulturae Vol. 949, 47-52


Farahani F., RazeghiS., Peyvandi M., Attaii S.  and Hosseini Mazinani M., (2011), Micrografting and micropropagation of olive (Olea europea L.) Iranian cultivar: Zard, African Journal of Plant Science Vol. 5(11), 671-675


Torkzaban B., Ataei S., Saboora A., Azimi M. and Hosseini-Mazinani M. 2010, Olive Genotypes variation in Tarom olive collection of Iran, Applying Morphological traits, Iranian Journal of Biology, 23(4), 520-531


Masoud Sheidai, Zahra Noormohammadi, Alireza Dehghani, Farshid Parvini, Hoda Hoshiar-Parsian, Mehdi Hosseini-Mazinani 2010, Intra-specific morphological and molecular diversity in brown olive (Olea cuspidate) of Iran, ScienceAsia 36: 187-193


M. Peyvandi, F. Farahani, M. Hosseini Mazinani, Z. Noormohamadi, S.Ataii, A. Asgharzade 2010, Pseudomonas fluorescent and its ability to promote root formation of olive microshoots, International Journal of Plant Production 4.(1)


M. Peyvandi, H. Nemat Farahzadi, S. Arbabian, Z. Noormohammadi, and M. Hosseini-Mazinani, 2010, Somaclonal Variation Among Somatic-Embryo Derived Plants of Olea europaea L "cv.Kroneiki", Journal of Sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran 21(1): 7-14


Zahra Noormohammadi1, Mehdi Hosseini-Mazinani, Isabel Trujillo , Angjelina Belaj, 2009, Studies of intracultivar variation among Iranian olive cultivars using SSR markers. Acta Biologica Szegediensis. 53(1):27-32


Rokni Zadeh H, Khavazi K, Asgharzadeh A, Hosseini-Mazinani M, De Mot R. 2008. Biocontrol of Pseudomonas savastanoi, causative agent of olive knot disease: antagonistic potential of non-pathogenic rhizosphere isolates of fluorescent Pseudomonas. Commun Agric Appl Biol Sci.73(1):199-203


Zahra Noormohammadi, Mehdi Hosseini-Mazinani, Isabel Trujillo, Angjelina Belaj, Luis Rallo, Majid Sadeghizadeh, 2007.  Identification and classification of main Iranian olive cultivars using microsatellite markers, HortScience42(7):1545-1550


M. Hosseini-Mazinani, S. Mohammadreza Samaee, S. Ataei, H. Sadeghi, A. Mirmansoori. 2008. Multivariate analyses of intra-cultivar variation of a local olive cultivar in the Northern part of Iran using morphological traits, Acta Horticulturea 791:66-72, ISHS


M. Basirat, S. Ghalebi1, M. Meschi, M. Hosseini-Mazinani, 2008. A study of the effect of different media on durability and growth indices of rooted olive cuttings after transplanting, Acta Horticulturea, 791:197-202, ISHS


Seyed Mohammad Hosseini, Zahra Nourmohammadi, M. Hosseini-Mazinani, A. Sadeghi, Ali Esmati. 2008. Effect of Different Media on Rooting Abilities of Two Iranian Olive Cultivars, Acta Horticulturea 791:209-212, ISHS


F. Farahani, M.Peyvandi, M. Hosseini-Mazinani. 2008. Effect of Sucrose and Manitol on In vitro Regeneration of Iranian Olive c.v. Rowghani. Acta Horticulturea 791:203-208, ISHS


Hosseini-Mazinani M., Samaee S.M., Sadeghi H. and Caballero J.M. 2004. Evaluation of olive germplasm in Iran on the basis of morphological traits: Assessment of “Zard” and “Rowghani” cultivars.  Acta Horticulturae 634: 145-151


Samaee S.M., Shobbar H., Ashrafi H and Hosseini-Mazinani M. 2003. Molecular characterization of olive germplasm in Iran by use of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD): Correlation with phenotypic studies. Acta Horticulturea 623: 169-175

Publications (others)

 Zare-Karizi, Sh., Hosseini-Mazinani, S.M., Khazei-Koohpar, Z., Seifati, S.M.,  Shahsavan-Behboodi, B., Akbari, M.T., J. Koochmeshgi 2011, Mutation spectrum of phenylketonuria in Iranian population, Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 102, 29-32


Zare Karizi SH, Hosseini-Mazinani SM, Koochmeshgi M, Javadi GH, Mutational analysis of phenylalanine hydroxylase gene in classical PKU patients: identification of a novel mutation in two Iranian families


Hosseini-Mazinani, S.M, Koochmeshgi, J. Khazaee-Kohpar, Z. Hosein-pur-Nobari, N. Seifati, S.M. 2008, Carrier detection of phenylketonuria in Iranian families by variable number tandem repeat polymorphism analysis. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 14(8):1445-1451


Hosseini-Mazinani SM, Eftekhar F, Milani M, Ghandili S. 2007. Characterization of beta-lactamases from urinary isolates of Escherichia coli in Tehran. Iran Biomed J. 2007;11(2):95-9


Fereshteh Eftekhar, Seyed Mehdi Hosseini-Mazinani, Soheila Ghandili, Minoo Hamraz and Shahrzad Zamani, 2005. PCR detection of plasmid mediated TEM, SHV and AmpC b-lactamases in community and nosocomial urinary isolates of Escherichia coli. Iranian Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 3, No. 1, pages 48-54,


 Koochmeshgi J, Hosseini-Mazinani SM, Morteza Seifati S, Hosein-Pur-Nobari N, Teimoori-Toolabi L. Apolipoprotein E genotype and age at menopause. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2004 Jun;1019:564-7


Koochmeshgi J, Ladonni S, Hosseini-Mazinani SM. Investigations on the nature of the cost of reproduction: susceptibility to heat stress in fruitflies, Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2004 Jun;1019:368-9


 Koochmeshgi J, Bagheri A, Hosseini-Mazinani SM. Incidence of phenylketonuria in Iran estimated from consanguineous marriages, J Inherit Metab Dis. 2002 Feb;25(1):80-1


Hosseini-Mazinani S.M., Koshikawa N., Sugimoto K., Aoki Y., Arisawa M. Cloning and sequencing of sulfite reductase alpha subunit gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. DNA-Res. 1995; 2(1): 15-19


Hosseini-Mazinani S.M., Nakajima E., Ihara Y., Kameyama K.Z., Sugimoto K. Recovery of active beta-lactamases from Proteus vulgaris and RTEM-1 hybrid by random mutagenesis by using a dnaQ strain of Escherichia coli. Antimicrob-Agents-Chemother. 1996 Sep; 40(9): 2152-9


  Aoki Y., Yamamoto M., Hosseini-Mazinani S.M.,Koshikawa N., Sugimoto K., Arisawa M., Antifungal azoxybacilin exhibits activity by inhibiting gene expression of sulfite reductase. Antimicrob-Agents-Chemother. 1996 Jan; 40(1): 127-32