سوابق پژوهشی

  1. R.H.Sajedi, S. Aminzadeh H.Naderimanesh, M.Sadeghizadeh, H.Abdolhay, M.Naderimanesh. Genetic Variation Within and Among Rainbow Trout, Onchorhynchus mykiss, Hatchery Populations from Iran Assessed by PCR-RFLP Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA Segments. JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE. Vol. 28, 2003. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2621.2003.tb08258.x
  2. S. Aminzadeh, H.Naderimanesh, K.Khajeh, M.Naderimanesh. Purification, Characterization, Kinetic Properties and Thermal Behavior of the Extracellular Polygalacturonase Produced by a Filamentous Fungus Tetracoccosporium sp. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. Vol. 135, 2006. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1385/ABAB:135:3:193
  3. S. Aminzadeh, H.Naderimanesh, K.Khajeh, M.R. Soudi. Isolation and Characterization of Polygalacturonase Produced by Tetracoccosporium sp. Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. Vol. 26, 2007. 10.30492/ijcce.2007.7837
  4. S. Aminzadeh, H.Naderimanesh, K.Khajeh, B.Ranjbar, N. Farrokhi. Characterization of Acid-Induced Partially Folded Conformation Resembling a Molten Globule State of Polygalacturonase from a Filamentous Fungus Tetracoccosporium sp. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. Vol. 160, 2010. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12010-009-8723-8
  5. M. Zarei, S. Aminzadeh*, H. Zolgharnein, A. Safahiye, A. Ghoroghi, A. Motallebi , M. Daliri, A.S. Lotfi. Chitinase Production by Serratia marcescens B4A: Parameters Optimization Using Taguchi Approach. Iranian Journal of Biotechnology. Vol. 8, 2010.
  6. M. Zarei, S. Aminzadeh*, H. Zolgharnein, A. Safahiye, M. Daliri, K. Akbari Noghabi, A. Ghoroghi, A. Motallebi. Characterization of a chitinase with antifungal activity from a native Serratia marcescens B4A. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology. (2011) 42: 1017-1029. https://www.ijbiotech.com/article_7099_8.html
  7. O. Esmaeilipour, M. Shivazad, H. Moravej, S. Aminzadeh, M. Rezaeian and M. M. van Krimpen. Effects of Xylanase and Citric Acid on the Performance, Nutrient Retention, and ‎Characteristics of Gastrointestinal Tract of Broilers Fed Low Phosphorus Wheat ‎Based Diets. 2011 Poultry Science 90 :1975–1982. https://doi.org/10.3382/ps.2010-01264
  8. S. Babashpour, S. Aminzadeh*, N. Farrokhi, M. Khosroshahli, M. Keshvarz. Isolation and Cloning of Chitinase Gene from Serratia marcescens B4A from Shrimp Farming. Journal of Veterinary Microbiology, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar Branch. Vol 7, Issue 1, 2011, No 22.
  9.  The effects of non-starch polysaccharides content of wheat and xylanase supplementation on the intestinal amylase, aminopeptidase and lipase activities, ileal viscosity and fat digestibility in layer diet S. Mirzaei, M. Zaghari, S. Aminzade*, M. Shivazad. Iranian Journal of Biotechnology. Vol. 10, No. 3, July 2012. https://www.ijbiotech.com/article_7172.html
  10. S. Babashpour, S. Aminzadeh*, N. Farrokhi, K. Haghbin, A. Karkhane. Characterization of a Chitinase (Chit62) from Serratia marcescens B4A and its efficacy as a bioshield against plant fungal pathogens. Biochemical Genetics. (2012) 50:722–735. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10528-012-9515-3
  11. Effects of Diet Acidification and Xylanase Supplementation on Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Duodenal Histology and Gut Microflora of Broilers Fed Wheat Based Diet. O. Esmaeilipour, H. Moravej, M. Shivazad, M. Rezaian, S. Aminzadeh, M. M. Vankrimpen. British Poultry Science. Volume 53, Number 2 (April 2012), pp. 235—244. https://doi.org/10.1080/00071668.2012.681771
  12. Effects of wheat inclusion and xylanase supplementation of the diet on productive performance, nutrient retention, and endogenous intestinal enzyme activity of laying hens. S. Mirzaie, M. Zaghari, S. Aminzadeh, M. Shivazad, and G. G. Mateos. Poultry Science. 2012; 91 :413–425. https://doi.org/10.3382/ps.2011-01686
  13. Characterization of the newly isolated Geobacillus sp. T1, the efficient cellulase-producer on untreated barley and wheat straws. Assareh, R., Shahbani Zahiri, H., Akbari Noghabi, K., Aminzadeh, S., Bakhshi khaniki, G. Bioresource Technology. Volume 120, September 2012, Pages 99-105. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2012.06.027
  14. Culture optimization, purification and evaluation of antifungal activity of thermophilic bacteria Cohnella A01. Naghmeh Abiri, Saeed Aminzadeh*, Mohammad Reza Bihamta. Genetic Engineering and Biosafety Journal. Volume 1, Issue 1, pages: 15-22. (2012).
  15. Chitinase Isolated from Water and Soil Bacteria in Shrimp farming Ponds. Mandana Z, Aminzadeh S.*, Ghoroghi A., Motalebi A.A., Alikhajeh J., Daliri M. Chitinase Isolated from Water and Soil Bacteria in Shrimp farming Ponds. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences. 2012, 11(4) 911-925. 20.1001.1.15622916.2012.
  16. Structural comparison between collagen isolated from sea cucumber Holothuria parva and calf skin collagen Type I. Adibzadeh, N., Aminzade, S.*, Jamili, S.3 Mostafavi, P. New Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology Journal. Volume 2, Number 6 (6-2012). 20.1001.1.22285458.1391.
  17. Dietary fibers and crude protein content alleviate hepatic fat deposition and obesity in broiler breeder hens. M. Mohiti-Asli, M. Shivazad, M. Zaghari, S. Aminzadeh, M. Rezaian, and G.G. Mateos. 2012 Poultry Science 91: 3107–3114. https://doi.org/10.3382/ps.2011-02040
  18. Effects of feeding regimen, fiber inclusion, and crude protein content of the diet on performance and egg quality and hatchability of eggs of broiler breeder hens. M. Mohiti-Asli, M. Shivazad, M. Zaghari, M. Rezaian, S. Aminzadeh, and G. G. Mateos. 2012 Poultry Science 91: 3097–3106. https://doi.org/10.3382/ps.2012-02282
  19. In Silico and Experimental Characterization of Chimeric Bacillus thermocatenulatus Lipase with the Complete Conserved Pentapeptide of Candida rugosa Lipase. Hosseini, M., Karkhane, A.A., Yakhchali, B., Shamsara, M., Aminzadeh, S., Morshedi, D., Haghbeen, K., Torktaz, I., Karimi, E., Safari, Z. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. (2013) 169:773–785. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12010-012-0014-0
  20. Physicochemical study of a novel chimeric chitinase with enhanced binding ability. S. Matroodi, M. Zamani, K. Haghbeen, M. Motallebi, and S. Aminzadeh. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai). 2013 Oct;45(10):845-56. https://doi.org/10.1093/abbs/gmt089
  21. Product optimization, purification and characterization of a novel polygalacturonase produced by Macrophomina phaseolina. S. Aminzadeh, N. Farrokhi. Biological Journal of Microorganism 1st Year, Vol. 1, No. 4, Winter 2013. https://bjm.ui.ac.ir/mobile/article_19490.html?lang=en
  22. Study of the effect of F17A mutation on characteristics of Bacillus thermocatenulatus lipase expressed in pichia pastoris using in silico and experimental methods. E. Karimi, AA. Karkhane, B. Yakhchali, M. Shamsara, S. Aminzadeh, I. Torktaz, M. Hosseini, Z. Safari. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry. DOI: 10.1002/bab.1164. 2014. https://doi.org/10.1002/bab.1164
  23. S. Mirzayi, M. Zaghari, S. Aminzadeh*, M. Shivazad. The effect of the non-starch polysaccharides levels on intestinal enzyme activity and performance of laying hens. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Researches (Iranian Journal of Biology). Volume 26, Issue 4. Pages: 562-571, 2014. 20.1001.1.23832738.1392.
  24. Purification and characterization of pepsin solubilized collagen from skin of sea cucumber Holothuria parva. N. Adibzadeha, S. Aminzadeh*, S. Jamili, A. A. Karkhane, N. Farrokhi. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 173:143–154. 2014. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12010-014-0823-4
  25. Evaluation of Gene Expression Changes of Serotonin Receptors, 5-HT3AR and 5-HT2AR as Main Stress Factors in Breast Cancer Patients. Seyed Hesam Hejazi, Ghasem Ahangari, Majid Pornour, Abdolkhaleagh Deezagi, Saeed Aminzadeh, Hamid Reza Ahmadkhaniha, Mohamad Esmail Akbari. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 15 (11), 4455-4458.  2014.


  1. Protein Engineering of Bacillus thermocatenulatus Lipase via Deletion of the α5 Helix. Nastaran Goodarzi & Ali Asghar Karkhane & Aghafakhr Mirlohi &Fatemeh Tabandeh & Ibrahim Torktas & Saeed Aminzadeh &Bagher Yakhchali & Mehdi Shamsara & Mozhdeh Al-Sadat Ghafouri. (2014) Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 174:339–35.1. DOI 10.1007/s12010-014-1063-3. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12010-014-1063-3
  2. Isolation and identification of the first indigenous bacterial strain against Xanthomonas citri subsp.citri causal agent of citrus canker disease. Dariush Gholami, Saeed Aminzadeh*, Syed Mehdi Alavi, Tannaz Goodarzi, Nasrin Kazemipour, Jafar Valizadeh. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Researches 27 (1) 111-118. 2014.


  1. Identification and studying of Enterobacter sp. DGH3 antibacterial activity. Dariush Gholami, Saeed Aminzadeh*, Syed Mehdi Alavi, Nasrin Kazemipour, Jafar Valizadeh, Tannaz Goodarzi. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Researches  27 (2) 269-276. 2014. 20.1001.1.23832738.1393.
  2.  Biocontrol of Causative Agent of Citrus Canker Disease Using Antimicrobial Substances Produced by Aspergillus awamori K-03. Sara Kazemzadeh, Naser Farrokhi, Saeed Aminzadeh, Seyed Mehdi Alavi, Abolfazl Masoudi, Mojtaba Mamarabadi, Tannaz Gudarzi. Biological Journal of Microorganism. 3rd Year, No. 11, 91-99. Autumn 2014. https://bjm.ui.ac.ir/article_19533.html?lang=en
  3. Cloning, expression, purification, and characterization of lipase 3646 from thermophilic indigenous Cohnella sp. A01. Bahram pooreydy Golaki, Saeed Aminzadeh*, Ali Asghar Karkhane, Parisa Farrokh, Seyed Hossein Khaleghinejad, Asal Akhavian Tehrani, Sina Mehrpooyan. (2015) Protein expression and purification. 109: 120–126.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pep.2014.10.002
  4. Effects of feeding strategy on reproductive performance and ovarian morphology of broiler breeder hens. Maziar Mohiti-Asli, Mahmoud Shivazad, Mojtaba Zaghari, Maryam Rezaian, and Saeed Aminzadeh*. (2014) Journal of Cellular and Molecular Researches  27 (3) 418-427. 20.1001.1.23832738.1393.
  5. Significant Association between Catechol Amine O-Methyl Transferase (COMT) Gene Expression Changes and Breast Cancer Pathogenesis. Ghasem Ahangari, Majid Pornour, Saeed Aminzadeh, Hossein Bakhtou and Hamid Reza Ahmadkhaniha. (2015) Carcinogenesis & Mutagenesis. Volume 6. Issue 2. http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2157-2518.1000219
  6. Cloning, expression and characterization of chimeric Bacillus Thermocatenulatus Lipase in E.coli. Khaleghinejad S.H, Karkhane A.A, Motalleb G.R, Aminzadeh S, Yakhchali B2, Pooreydy B. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Researches. 2015, Volume 28,  Issue 2, 202-210.
  7. Study of active site adjacent residues on Serratia marcescens B4A chitinase catalytic activity. Emruzi Tubkanlu Z., Aminzadeh S.*, Karkhanei A.A., Alikhajeh J. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Researches. 2015, Volume 28,  Issue 3. 20.1001.1.23832738.1394.
  8. The Effect of pH on Globular State of Lipase-3646; an Appropriate Model for Molten Globule Investigations. Bahram Pooreydy Golaki, Saeed Aminzadeh*, Ali Asghar Karkhane, Bagher Yakhchali, Parisa Farrokh, Ferdous Rastgar Jazii, Mohammadsadegh Nadimifar. The Protein Journal. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10930-015-9622-1
  9. A Nested-Splicing by Overlap Extension PCR Improves Specificity of this Standard Method. AA Karkhane, B Yakhchali, F Rastgar Jazii, B Bambai, S Aminzadeh, Iranian Journal of Biotechnology. Volume 13, Issue 2, Spring 2015, Page 56-59. https://doi.org/10.15171/ijb.1090
  10. Bacterial secretome analysis in hunt for novel bacteriocins with ability to control Xanthomonas citri subsp. Citri. D Gholami; T Goodarzi; S Aminzadeh*; SM Alavi; N Kazemipour; N Farrokhi, Iranian Journal of Biotechnology. Iranian Journal of Biotechnology. 2015 September;13(3): e1123.  


  1. Toward the development of a single-round infection assay based on EGFP reporting for anti-HIV-1 drug discovery. Mahdieh Soezi, Arash Memarnejadian, Saeed Aminzadeh, Rezvan Zabihollahi, Seyed Mehdi Sadat, Safieh Amini, Soheila Hekmat, Mohammad Reza Aghasadeghi. Reports of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Vol.4, No.1, Oct 2015. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4757091/
  2. Trichoderma harzianum secretome and its efficacy in biocontrol. Kazemzadeh S., Farrokhi N., Aminzadeh S., Alavi S.M., Sarpele A., Mamarabadi M. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Researches. 2015, Volume 28,  Issue 1, 107-114. 20.1001.1.23832738.1394.
  3. Thermostable chitinase from Cohnella sp. A01: isolation and product optimization. Aliabadi, N. Aminzadeh, S*. Karkhane, A. A., Haghnin, K. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, 2016. 47, 931–940. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bjm.2016.07.009.
  4. Extraction of a polygalacturonase from Macrophomiona phaseolina and analysis of its stability. E Fahimi Bayrami, N Farrokhi, S Aminzadeh* Journal of Cellular and Molecular Researches; 2016, 29 (2), 252-268. 20.1001.1.23832738.1395.
  5. Study the effect of F17S mutation on the chimeric bacillus thermocatenulatus lipase. Khaleghizejad, H. Motalleb, G., Karkhane, A. A., Aminzadeh, S. Yakhchali , B. Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, 2016, 14 (1), 83-89. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jgeb.2016.08.002
  6. Optimization of culture condition of Enterobacter ZS extra cellular cyanide degrading enzyme with Response Surface Methodology. Z Javaheri Safa, S Aminzadeh*, MR Zamani, M Motalebi Journal of Cellular and Molecular Researches, 2016,  29 (3), 265-272. 20.1001.1.23832738.1395.
  7. Optimization of simultaneous production of tyrosinase and laccase by Neurospora crassa. S. Moshtaghiuni, M. Dadkhah, K. Bahremandjo, K. Haghbeen, S. Aminzadeh & R. L. Legge. Biocatalysis and Biotransformation, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1080/10242422.2016.1266617
  8. Cohnella amylopullulanases: Biochemical characterization of two recombinant thermophilic enzymes. FZ Roodi, S Aminzadeh*, N Farrokhi, AA Karkhane, K Haghbeen. PloS one. 2017. 12 (4), e0175013. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0175013
  9. Evaluation of oxidative enzymes for efficient oxidation of aniline and phenolic pollutants. F. Mirazizi, A. Bahrami, S. Soleimani Asl, A. Zaribafan, K. Haghbeen, S. Aminzadeh. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. First Online: 07 August 2017. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13762-017-1493-x
  10. Significant increase in cyanide degradation by Bacillus sp. M01 PTCC 1908 with response surface methodology optimization. ZJ Safa, S Aminzadeh*, M Zamani, M Motallebi, AMB Express, 2017, 7 (1), 200. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13568-017-0502-2
  11. Effect of Pectinase and Dried Citrus Pulp on Performance, Nutrient Digestibility and Intestinal Characteristics of Broiler Chickens. Z Niknafs Dehghani, O Esmaeilipour, R Mirmahmoudi, S Aminzadeh. Research on Animal Production, 2017 8 (16), 21-28. 10.29252/rap.8.16.21
  12. Recombinant Chitinase produced from a thermophilic Paenibacillus sp. A01. M Motazavi, S Aminzadeh*, A Ghanbari, N Farrokhi, A Karkhane. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Researches, 2017, 30 (2), 182-190. 20.1001.1.23832738.1396.
  13. Protective or Deteriorative Effect of Zinc Ions on Protein Misfolding: A New Insight into Amyloidogenic Disease. S Noorzadeh, MR Dayer, S Aminzadeh. Jentashapir Journal of Health Research, 2017 ; 8(4):e64461. doi: 10.5812/jjhr.64461.
  14. Biochemical Characterization of Recombinant Thermostable Cohnella sp. A01 β-Glucanase. M Rezaie, S Aminzadeh*, F Heidari, M Mashhadi Akbar Boojar. Iranian biomedical journal, 2018 Sep; 22(5): 345–354. doi: 10.29252/ibj.22.5.345
  15. Comparison of antibiotics and bacteriocins antibacterial activity on Xanthomonas citri subsp.citri. Gholami D; Aminzadeh S*; Alavi S. M.; Kazemipour N; Ghoroghi A.; Emrouzi Z. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences. 2018, 17 (1), 162-178. https://doi.org/10.22092/ijfs.2018.115592
  16. Heterologous expression and characterization of a recombinant thermostable amylopullulanases Coh4159 from Cohnella sp. A01. P Valiulahi, S Aminzadeh*, M Shamsara, N Farrokhi, J Alikhajeh. Advanced Researches in Microbial Metabolites & Technology. 2018, 1, 31-38. 10.22104/armmt.2018.2738.1014
  17. Improving the thermostability of Serratia marcescens B4A chitinase via G191V site-directed mutagenesis. Z Emruzi, S Aminzadeh*, AA Karkhanea, J Alikhajeh, K Haghbeen,D Gholami. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2018, Volume 116, Pages 64-70. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2018.05.014
  18. Comparison the energy value of processed and non-processed soybean meal for broiler breeder hens, broiler chickens and commercial layer hens. N Zahroojian, H Moravej, S Zaghari, Mojtaba, Aminzadeh. Iranian Journal of Animal Science 2018, 49 (2), 335-342. https://www.cabdirect.org/cabdirect/abstract/20183343291
  19. Hyaluronic acid production enhancement via genetically modification and culture medium optimization in Lactobacillus acidophilus. F Fotouhi Chahuki, S Aminzadeh*, V Jafarian, F Tabandeh. 2019, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 121, 870-881. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2018.10.112
  20. Screening of HA-producing lactic acid bacteria and culture condition optimization of selected bacterium by Taguchi method. F Fotouhi Chahuki, S Aminzadeh*, V Jafarian, F Tabandeh. 2019, Journal of Molecular and Cellular Research 31 (4), 598-611. https://cell.ijbio.ir/m/article_1449.html?lang=en
  21. Serratia marcescens B4A chitinase thermostability enhancement by S390I QuikChange site directed mutagenesis. Z Emruzi Tubkanlu, S Aminzadeh*, AA Karkhane, J Alikhajeh, A Ghoroghi. 2019, Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 18 (4), 1046-1059. http://hdl.handle.net/1834/16363
  22. Comparative Investigation of the Effect of Quercetin and Hydroalcoholic Extract of Otostegia Persica Boiss with Atorvastatin on ABC A1 Gene Expression in Hypercholesterolemic Male Wistar Rats. A Parvin, P Yaghmaei, M Noureddini, SA Haeri Roohani, S Aminzadeh. 2019, Journal of Arak University of Medical Sciences 22 (1), 27-38. http://jams.arakmu.ac.ir/browse.php?a_id=5799&sid=1&slc_lang=fa&ftxt=1
  23. Comparative effects of quercetin and hydroalcoholic extract of Otostegia persica boiss with atorvastatin on atherosclerosis complication in male wistar rats. A Parvin, P Yaghmaei, M Noureddini, SA Haeri Roohani, S Aminzadeh . 2019, Food Science & Nutrition. https://doi.org/10.1002/fsn3.1136
  24. Cohnella sp. A01 laccase: thermostable, detergent resistant, anti-environmental and industrial pollutants enzyme. M Shafiei, F Afzali, AA Karkhane, SM Ebrahimi, K Haghbeen, S Aminzadeh*. 2019, Heliyon 5 (9). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e02543
  25. Advances in bacterial identification and characterization: methods and applications. D Gholami, Z Emruzi, AR Noori, S Aminzadeh*. 2019, Advanced Research in Microbial Metabolites and Technology 2 (2), 119-136. 10.22104/armmt.2020.4319.1044
  26. Novel halo- and thermo-tolerant Cohnella sp. A01 L-glutaminase: heterologous expression and biochemical characterization. S Mosallatpour, S Aminzadeh*, M Shamsara, R Hajihosseini. 2019, Scientific Reports 9, 19062. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-55587-9
  27. A new sensitive spectrophotometric method for determination of saliva and blood glucose. P Mohammadnejad, SS Asl, S Aminzadeh, K Haghbeen. 2020. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 229, 117897. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.saa.2019.117897
  28. Serum levels of malondialdehyde, glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase in patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in Zahedan. H Hoseini, P Yaghmaei, G Bahari, S Aminzadeh. 2020, Food & Health 3 (2), 15-19. https://fh.srbiau.ac.ir/article_16029_477961b0e6c7b4bc959015ebac06074f.pdf
  29. Structural and biochemical characterization of a novel thermophilic Coh01147 protease. Hossein Tarrahimofrad, Amir Meimandipour, Sareh Arjmand, Mohammadtaghi Beigi Nassiri, Ehsan Jahangirian, Hossein Tavana, Javad Zamani, Somayyeh Rahimnahal, Saeed Aminzadeh. 2020, PloS one 15 (6), e0234958. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0234958
  30. Kinetic and Thermo-Inactivation Thermodynamic Parameters of a Novel Isolated Serratia Marcescens B4A Chitinase. Z Emruzi, M Keshavarz, D Gholami, S Aminzadeh*, AR Noori. 2020, Biomacromolecular Journal 6 (1), 46-55. https://www.bmmj.org/article_244013.html
  31. Correlations of PD-1/PD-L1 Gene Polymorphisms with Susceptibility and Prognosis in Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma among Iranian Population. H Hoseini, P Yaghmaei, G Bahari, S Aminzadeh. 2020, Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal 22 (11), 7. https://doi.org/10.32592/ircmj.2020.22.11.194
  32. Preparation, purification, and characterization of low-molecular-weight hyaluronic acid. Mohammad Karami, Mahvash Khodabandeh Shahraky, Masume Ranjbar, Fatemeh Tabandeh, Dina Morshedi, Saeed Aminzade. 2020, Biotechnology Letters. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10529-020-03035-4(
  33. Assessment of Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress among Patients with Lymphoma. H Hoseini, P Yaghmaei, G Bahari, S Aminzadeh. 2021, Journal of Chemical Health Risks 11. https://doi.org/10.22034/jchr.2021.1916955.1228
  34. Cohnella 1759 cysteine protease shows significant long term half-life and impressive increased activity in presence of some chemical reagents. R Saghian, E Mokhtari, S Aminzadeh*. 2021, Scientific reports 11 (1), 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-84267-w
  35. Heterologous Expression, Purification and Determination of Activity of new Carboxypepetidase from Cohnella A01. Seyed Mahdi Naeemi, Saeed Aminzadeh*, Soyar Sari, Fahimeh Nemati, Maryam Naseroleslami. 2021, New Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology Journal, Volume 11, Issue 42 (3-2021). 20.1001.1.22285458.1400.
  36. Optimization of hyaluronic acid by Streptococcus zooepidemicus ATCC 43070 by response surface methodology. F Tabandeh, M Samadi, M Khodabandeh, S Aminzadeh. Modares Journal of Biotechnology, 2021; 12 (3), 99-110. 20.1001.1.23222115.1400.
  37. A potent peroxidase from solid cell culture of Ocimum basilicum with high sensitivity for blood glucose determination. P Mohammadnejad, S Soleimani Asl, Z Rasoulian, S Aminzadeh. 2021, Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) 146 (2), 375-386. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11240-021-02076-5
  38. Identification, heterologous expression and biochemical characterization of a novel cellulase-free xylanase B from the thermophilic bacterium Cohnella sp. A01. Hemad Rahimian Gavaseraei, Raheleh Hasanzadeh, Moslem Afsharnezhad, Ali Foroutan Kalurazi, S Shirin Shahangian, Mahmoud Reza Aghamaali, Saeed Aminzadeh. 2021, Process Biochemistry 107, 48-58. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procbio.2021.05.002
  39. Biodegradation of cyanide to ammonia and carbon dioxide by an industrially valuable enzyme from the newly isolated Enterobacter zs. Zohre Javaheri Safaa, Arta Olya, Mohammadreza Zamani, Mostafa Motalebi, Rahimeh Khalilia, Kamahldin Haghbeen, Aminzadeh Saeed*. 2021, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A. https://doi.org/10.1080/10934529.2021.1967653
  40. Thermophilic iron containing type superoxide dismutase from Cohnella sp. A01. Zahra Karimi MazraehShahi, Zeinab Takalloob, Jahangir Mohamadzadeh, Reza H.Sajedi, Kamahldin Haghbeen, Saeed Aminzadeh*. 2021, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 187, 373-385. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2021.07.150
  41. New Insight into the Interactions of Arbutin with Mushroom Tyrosinase. NS Ghofrani, M Sheikhi, JZ Amirzakaria, S Hassani, S Aminzadeh. 2021, The protein journal 40 (5), 689-698. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10930-021-10004-x
  42. Designing a multi-epitope vaccine to provoke the robust immune response against influenza A H7N9. H Tarrahimofrad, S Rahimnahal, J Zamani, E Jahangirian, S Aminzadeh*. 2021, Scientific reports 11 (1), 1-22. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-03932-2
  43. Simultaneous refolding and purification of MO-CBP2 IBs using urea gradient. F Velayatipor, S Aminzadeh*, SA Angaji, F Fotouhi Chahuki, M Ghollasi. 2022, Cellular and Molecular Research 34 (4), 515-525. 20.1001.1.23832738.1400.
  44. Enhanced hyaluronic acid production in Streptococcus zooepidemicus by an optimized culture medium containing hyaluronidase inhibitor. M Samadi, M Khodabandeh Shahraky, F Tabandeh, S Aminzadeh. 2022, Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology 52 (4), 413-423. https://doi.org/10.1080/10826068.2021.1955710
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  1. In silico and experimental studies on the effect of α3 and α5 deletion on the biochemical properties of Bacillus thermocatenulatus lipase. Ali A. A. Karkhane; S Aminzadeh. Molecular Biotechnology. Article in press.