سوابق پژوهشی

MaryamMonazzah,  MehdiNasr Esfahani, SattarTahmasebi Enferadi*(2022)  Impact Factor 2.74.

Genetic structure and proteomic analysis associated in potato to Rhizoctonia solani AG-3PT-stem canker and black scurf  Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology Volume 122, 101905

Maryam Monazzah , Sattar Tahmasebi Enferadi* , Zohreh Rabiei , Maria De Nobili (2021)  Impact Factor 1.59.

Proteome Changes in Stem Tissues of Sunflower Lines Inoculated with Culture Filtrate of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Iranian Journal of Biotechnology 11(3): 175-81 DOI: 10.30498/ijb.2021.223625.2722 

Newsha Mortazavi, Mahboobeh Heidari, Zohreh Rabiei, sattar tahmasebi *, Maryam Monazzah (2021) Impact Factor 2.33. 

 Loading harmine on nanographene changes the inhibitory effects of free harmine against MCF-7 and fibroblast cells. Med Chem Res 30, 1108–1116 DOI:10.1007/s00044-021-02714-9

Sayyed SaeedMoosaviaFatemehAbdiaMohammad RezaAbdollahiaSattarTahmasebi-EnferadibMahmood Malekic  (2020) Impact Factor 4.25

Phenological, morpho-physiological and proteomic responses of Triticum boeoticum to drought stress Plant Physiology and Biochemistry Volume 156, November 2020, Pages 95-104

DOI: 10.1016/j.plaphy.2020.08.016

39- Soolmaz Ahmadian, Sattar Tahmasebi Enferadi* and Abbas Alemzadeh (2019)   Impact Factor 0.59

 Effect of continents on wild sunflower in terms of oil content, fatty acid compositions and seed traits EurAsian Journal of BioSciences Eurasia J Biosci 13, 1-10 

38- Soolmaz Ahmadian, Sattar Tahmasebi Enferadi* and Abbas Alemzadeh (2019)  Impact Factor 0.39

Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Cultivated Sunflower in Terms of Oil Content, Fatty Acid Compositions and Seed Traits1-19. Heali


M Monazzah, S Tahmasebi Enferadi, Z Rabiei (2019) Impact Factor 4.42

Enzymatic activities and pathogenesisrelated genes expression in sunflower inbred lines affected by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum culture filtrate Journal of applied microbiology 125 (1), 227-242 doi: 10.1111/jam.13766

37- Nesa Jafari, Sonbol Nazeri, Sattar Tahmasebi Enferadi (2018)  Impact Factor 3.52

 Parthenolide reduces metastasis by inhibition of vimentin expression and induces apoptosis by suppression elongation factor α−1 expression Phytomedicine 41 67-73 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phymed.2018.01.022.

36- Monazzah, M., Soleimani, M.J., Tahmasebi Enferadi, S. and Rabiei, Z. (2017) Impact Factor 1.22

 Effects of oxalic acid and culture filtrate of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on metabolic changes in sunflower evaluated using FT-IR spectroscopy. J Gen Plant Pathol  https://doi.org/10.1007/s10327-017-0755-2.

35- An unspecific phytotoxin oxalic acid and its effect on sunflower proteome (2016) Impact Factor 1.86 Maryam Monazzah , Sattar Tahmasebi Enferadi, Mohammad J. Soleimani and Zohreh Rabiei Australian Journal of Botany, 2016, 64, 219–226 http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/BT15143.

34- Mostafa Hojati, Seyed Ali Mohammad Modarres-Sanavy, Sattar Tahmasebi Enferadi, Mohammad Majdi, Faezeh Ghanati, Soudeh Farzadfar (2015) Impact Factor 2.952 

Differential deployment of parthenolide and phenylpropanoids in feverfew plants subjected to divalent heavy metals and trans-cinnamic acid Plant Soil, DOI 10.1007/s11104-015-2677-0

33- Zohreh Rabiei, Sattar Tahmasebi Enferadi (2015) 

Using Beta-Glucan Isolated From Helianthus annuus Infected by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in Bakery.

Journal of Medicinal Plants and By-products Journal of Medicinal Plants and By-Products Vol. 4 No. 2 pp. 201-207

ISSN 2322-1399 

32- Mona Sorahinobar, Vahid Niknam, Hassan Ebrahimzadeh, Hassan Soltanloo, Mehrdad Behmanesh, Sattar Tahmasebi Enferadi (2015) Impact Factor 2.237

Central Role of Salicylic Acid in Resistance of Wheat Against Fusarium graminearum J Plant Growth Regul,  DOI 10.1007/s00344-015-9554-1

31- Parastoo Motallebi, Vahid Niknam, Hassan Ebrahimzadeh, Sattar Tahmasebi Enferadi, Majid Hashemi (2015) impact factor 1.524

The effect of methyl jasmonate on enzyme activities in wheat genotypes infected by the crown and root rot pathogen Fusarium culmorum Acta Physiol Plant (2015) 37:237,

 DOI 10.1007/s11738-015-1988-3

30- Parvini F., Zeinanloo AA., Ebrahimie E., Tahmasebi Enferadi S., Hosseini-Mazinani M. (2015) Impact Factor:


Differential expression of fatty acid desaturases in Mari and Shengeh olive cultivars during fruit development and ripening. EUR. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 117: 523-531

29- Tahmasebi Enferadi S. (2015) Impact Factor: 0.699 

Heat-shock protein synthesis Study by micro-chip. J. Agr. Sci. Tech. (2015) Vol. 17: 1629-1636

28- Somayeh Hashemi Sheikh Shabani, Sahar Seyed Hasan Tehrani, Zohreh Rabiei, Sattar Tahmasebi Enferadi, 


Gian Paolo Vannozzi (2015) Elsevier

Peganum harmala L.’s anti-growth effect on a breast cancer cell line Biotechnology Reports 8: 138-143.  DOI: 10.1016/j.btre.2015.08.007

27- Sattar Tahmasebi Enferadi, Zohreh Rabiei, Gian Paolo Vannozzi. (2015)

Sunflower Heat-Shock Protein Synthesis Study under Water Deficit Condition Helia, 38(62): 53-60.

DOI: 10.1515/helia-2014-0041

26- Zohreh Rabiei, Sattar Tahmasebi Enferadi, Fatemeh Najafi (2014)  

Isolation and Identification of ß -glucan from Fungal Sources, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Pleurotus florida, Journal of

New Technologies in Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Resource, Vol. 1, No. 1, Summer 2014: 58 – 85 

25- Leila Akbari, Zohreh Rabiei , Sattar Tahmasebi Enferadi, Sakineh Vanaii (2013)

Single Base Extension and Fourier-Transform Infra-Red Spectroscopy Techniques; Further Approaches in

Discriminating Hazelnut-Adulterated Olive Oil Iranian Journal of Biotechnology 11(3): 175-81


24- Shabani Alireza,Tahmasebi Enferadi Sattar, Zaefizadeh Mohammad (2013).

Proteom-comparison of sunflower cytoplasmic male sterile and fertile restorer inbred lines

International Science and Investigation Journal Vol 2, No 3 pp:66-77


23- Mohammad Zaeifizadeh, Sattar Tahmasebi Enferadi, Amir Mousavi, Parviz Heidari, Mostafa Ahmadizadeh (2013) Quick method for screening of tolerant sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) genotypes to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum at seedling stage. Biharean Biologist 7 (1): pp.29-32 ©Biharean Biologist, Oradea, Romania, 2013Article No.: 131105

22- Mohesn Mohamadnia Ahmadi, Hamid Rajabi, Sattar Tahmasebi Enferadi, Neda Khaledi, Ali Kazemi (2013) Effect of cold and moderate water immersion during resistance exercise on plasma heat shock protein response in rats .

Journal of Sport and Motor Science 2(10): 13-23 (in Persian)

21- Fatemeh Nejatzadeh-Barandozi and Sattar Tahmasebi Enferadi (2013)

Study of genetic variation of Aloe vera Linne population through morphological traits New Cellular & Molecular Biotechnology Journal 3(10): 35-43 (in Persian)

20- Fatemeh Nejatzadeh-Barandozi and Sattar Tahmasebi Enferadi (2012)

FT-IR study of the polysaccharides isolated from the skin juice, gel juice, and flower of Aloe veratissues affected by fertilizer treatment Organic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2:33 http://www.orgmedchemlett.com/content/2/1/33

19- Fatemeh Nejatzadeh-Barandozia, Mohammad Reza Naghavib, Sattar Tahmasebi Enferadic,Amir Mousavic, Younes Mostofid, Mohammad Esmaiel Hassani (2012)

Genetic diversity of accessions of Iranian Aloe vera based on horticultural traits and RAPD markers Industrial Crops and Products 37: 347– 351 www.elsevier.com/locate/indcrop

18- Zaefizadeh M, Tahmasebi Enferadi S, Mosavi A, Rabiei Z, Soltani Najafabadi M. (2012)

Different HSR genes marker expression pattern and antioxidant system change in sunflower genotypes against

Sclerotinia sclerotiorum elicitor. Archives Des Sciences. Vol 65, No. 9; Sep 2012

17- Fatemeh Nejatzadeh Barandozi, Sattar Tahmasebi Enferadi, Mohammad Reza Naghavi,Younes Mostofi and Amir Mousavi  (2012)

Diversity of Iranian aloe (Aloe vera L.) genotypes based on aloenin contents and some morphological traits Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 87 (6) 673–677

16- Fatemeh Nejatzadeh Barandozi, Sattar Tahmasebi Enferadi, Mohammad Reza Naghavi,Younes Mostofi and Amir Mousavi  (2011)

Survey of chemical manure on morphological traits in Iranian Aloe vera African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 10(55), pp. 11515-11519, 21 http://www.academicjournals.org


15- Zohreh Rabiei, Hamid Rashedi, Sattar Tahmasebi Enferadi, Gholamabbas Akbarim (2011) 

The use of Real-Time PCR technique for detection of transgenic potato against PVY virus compared with non transgenic ones. Journal of Food Science and Technology (JFST) Vol. 8, No. 1.29-34. (in Persian)


14- Sattar Tahmasebi Enferadi, Zohreh Rabiei, Gholam Abbas Akbari, Gian Paolo Vannozzi. (2011)

Shikimate Dehydrogenase Expression and Activity in Sunflower Genotypes Susceptible and Resistant to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary

Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology Vol. 13, pp.943 - 952

13- Zohreh Rabiei1, Sattar Tahmasebi Enferadi, Abbas Saidi, Sonia Patui, Gian PaoloVannozzi (2010)

Simple sequence repeats amplification: a tool to survey the genetic background of olive oils Iranian journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp: 24-31

12- Vannozzi Gianpaolo, Tahmasebi Enferadi Sattar, Rabiei Zoherh  (2008)

Aumento della stabilita osssidazione del biodisel mediante impego antiossidanti naturali presnti nella “Pomace” Ersa4/2008 pp.20-26  www.ersa.fvg.it/informativa/notiziario-ersa/anno 

11- Rabiei Z, Tahmasebi Enferadi S, Vannozzi GP (2007)

Regulatory of polyunsaturated fatty acids accumulation and characterization of linolenic acid after germination of sunflower seed, HELIA, 30, 47: 175-182

10- Nonis A, Ruperti B, Falchi R, Casatta E, Thamasebi Enferadi S, Vizzotto G (2007) 

Differential expression and regulation of a neutral invertase encoding gene from peach (Prunus persica): evidence for a role in fruit development. Physiologia Plantarum, 129: 436 - 446 

9- Tahmasebi Enferadi S, Z. Rabiei, G.P. Vannozzi (2006)  

Protection of Biodiesel Based on Sunflower Oil from Oxidative Degreadation by Natural Antioxidants. HELIA, 29, 44: 25-33

8- Tahmasebi-Enferadi S, Rabiei, Z, Turi, M, Baldini, M, and Vannozzi, GP (2004)

Half-seed analysis for comparing linolenic acid synthesis between high and low oleic acid sunflower inbred lines. HELIA, 27, 40: 63-72

7- Baldini M, Giovanardi R,  Tahmasebi-Enferadi S,  Vannozzi GP (2002)

Effects of Water Regime on Fatty Acid Accumulation an Final Fatty Acid Composition in the Oil of Standard and High oleic Sunflower hybrids. Ital. J. Agron., 6, 2, 119-126

6- Castano F, Baldini M, Re J, Vannozzi GP, Rodriguez R, Turi M, Tahmasebi-Enferadi S (2002)

Genotypic responses and diallel analysis for an early resistance test to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in sunflower.

Oleaginaux, Corp Gras, Lipides, Vol.9, n 0 6, 474-478

5- M. Turi,M. Baldini,S. Tahmasebi Enferadi, G.P. Vannozzi, A. M. Olivieri (2001)

«Friuli» e «Carnia»: nuovi ibridi di girasole ad alto contenuto di acido oleico per la pianura friulana NOTIZIARIOERSA 2., pp: 24-27

4- Gomez D, Hernandez JL, Tahmasebi Enferadi S, Baldini M, Delle Vedove G and Vannozzi GP (1999) 

Drought resistance evaluation of sunflower mantainer lines derived from inter specific crosses Helia, 22, (special issue)December, pp: 413-419

3- Tahmasebi Enferadi S, Gomez Sanchez D, Baldini M, Vannozzi GP (1998)

Effect of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum LIB. De Bary culture filtrate on sunflower morphological characters, oxalic acid content and shikimate dehydrogenase activity Helia, 21, Nr 28, pp: 81-96

2- Tahmasebi Enferadi S, Vannozzi GP, Gomez Sanchez D, Baldini M (1998)

Results of screening sunflower for resistance to toxic metabolites produced by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (LIB). De Bary and prospects for the use of biochemical markers in breeding. Agr. Med., vol. 128, pp: 47-58

1- Gomez-Sanchez D, Vannozzi GP, Baldini M, Tahmasebi Enferadi S, Delle Vedove G (1998)

Effect of soil water availability in sunflower lines derived from interspecific crosses. Ital. J. Agron., 2, 2, 101-110