Iran and South Africa (2017)

Call for joint research projects between Iran and South Africa

Based on the agreement signed between the countries of the Islamic Republic of Iran and South Africa, the development of bilateral cooperation, including biotechnology, has been emphasized. In this regard, with the follow-up of the National Research Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology as the national coordinator of cooperation with this country, several meetings have been held to review joint cooperation and it is intended to support joint projects with the following topics:

1- Biotechnology

  • Resistance to drought and salinity stress in plants through modern biotechnology
  • Resistance to fungal diseases in plants through modern biotechnology
  • Production and transfer of embryos in domestic animals
  • Genomic and proteomic approaches to identify industrial enzymes
  • Molecular biology of cancer and related biomarkers.
  • Scientific Diplomacy: The International Director expressed satisfaction with the visit, emphasizing the importance of scientific information exchange and cooperation.

2- Atmospheric, marine and oceanographic sciences

  • Oceanography (physical, applied, biological, geological, chemical)
  • Ecosystem-based resource management (EBM) approach (fisheries, climate change effects on the marine environment, marine ecology, marine environmental science)
  • Dangers of the ocean

3 - Coastal engineering

  • Antarctica and the Southern Ocean

    Applicants can click here to receive the project proposal form.
    13 June 2017


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South African Delegation Visits NIGEB

In a significant step towards scientific collaboration, Mr. Khaya G Sishuba, the International Director of the South African Ministry of Science and Technology, visited the National Research Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology in May 2015.

Key Highlights:

  • Joint Cooperation: The visit occurred during the 12th joint commission of cooperation between Iran and South Africa.
  • Exploring Potentials: Dr. Sanaati, along with members of the research institute’s scientific faculty, discussed the institute’s capabilities and potential for expanding scientific collaboration with South African universities.
  • Areas of Focus:

    o Joint Training Courses: Exploring opportunities for joint training programs.

    o Professor and Student Exchanges: Facilitating exchanges between institutions.

    o Joint Research Projects: Activating collaborative research initiatives.

  • Historical Collaboration: Past doctoral-level interactions between South African students and the research institute were acknowledged.
  • Memorandum of Cooperation: Previous agreements with the University of Cape Town laid the groundwork for ongoing and future collaborations.
  • Scientific Diplomacy: The International Director expressed satisfaction with the visit, emphasizing the importance of scientific information exchange and cooperation.

This visit strengthens ties between Iran and South Africa, fostering knowledge sharing and innovation.

South African Delegation Visits NIGEB
South African Delegation Visits NIGEB
South African Delegation Visits NIGEB
South African Delegation Visits NIGEB
South African Delegation Visits NIGEB
South African Delegation Visits NIGEB

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